10 Aug We build the ecological kitchens !!!
CooperarPerú, en lucha contra la desnutrición y anemia:
CooperarPerú, in the fight against malnutrition and anemia. 43% of the children in the communities have ANEMIA our struggle is frontal … Building ecological kitchens, developing nutrition workshops with children and parents, conducting medical campaigns of screening anemia and parasitosis, nutritional monitoring of children under 3 years, snack from Monday to Friday.
Campaign: Analysis of parasitosis and screening of anemia
Building ecological kitchens: Improving the food handling space, giving them a better quality of life, since there is an exhaust pipe where the smoke is transported so we take care of the health of our mothers. Using heat conservation techniques to generate natural heating (Since the cold in the communities is intense) using firewood in a more responsible and profitable way of fire. Thus they have a hygienic space for food handling since it has a space for them.
Video of appreciation of our Ecological Kitchen project: