
Fundraising to distribute food to families who have not received any government aid

19 Apr Fundraising to distribute food to families who have not received any government aid

Cooperarperú starts a fundraising campaign with the aim of buying and distributing basic foodstuffs for people who did not receive any government aid. 75% of Peruvians live from day to day so many of them are, in this period of quarantine, without resources to feed their families.
Today more than ever we need to be together to face this challenge.

You will find below the video we made this week as well as the link of the platform where you can participate in the fundraising. 

Every donation means a lot to them! We thank all those who participate in this solidarity fundraising.


Video with english subtitles: https://youtu.be/JwyyfUA3gLU

Video with french subtitles+donations platform: http://www.leetchi.com/c/la-solidaridad-no-tiene-fronteras

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