
Internship in social work and psychology

Internship in social work and psychology:

One day a crying child arrived at our school, he was 6 years old, we did not understand what was happening to him, he was complaining of a shoulder pain, we worried we decided to call the mother by phone and ask her permission to take her to a clinic. After some x-ray exams, we learned what had happened to him as a “clavicle fissure” as it opened up. This was a question that was in our thoughts, when we explained to the mother what the doctor had told us, she began to cry inconsolably, it is there that we understood what had happened. The mother told us that the child a day earlier would have done a mischief and she, without measuring the force, hit him, told me that he did not want to hurt her, I do not know what he was thinking. She told us that 4 months ago that her husband left the house and abandoned them since then she has to work and take care of her two children that she could not do everything and that she suffered from family violence.

From that moment we knew that it was very important to give emotional support to mothers and children. This is how this initiative was born in the project, the creation of family workshops, activities with children on emotions and feelings. They have to learn to recognize it, control it and express it through art since it is the best way to break the chain of violence.

Tasks to perform:

  1. Participate in the psychological evaluations of children accompanied by the professional in charge.
  2. Participate and develop activities with parents on issues of emotional support, family violence, strategies to educate their children, parents’ school with the aim of raising awareness of communication and thus breaking the violence.
  3. Make home visits, and emotional follow-up for children or family.
  4. develop activities for the population in the fight against gender equality and their rights.
  5. Work on the empowerment of women, developing production activities and financial independence.
  6. Participating in the CooperarPerú School in the construction of values ​​in children.
  7. Documenting emotional aspects and developing strategies to help children
  8. Manage activities and ideas to improve the emotional quality of children and families.



  • Social work students, social educator, psychology.
  • All activities will be supervised by a professional in the area of ​​social and psychological work.
  • Intermediate / basic Spanish level (they have the option of Spanish classes during the internship)
  • Minimum time: 1 month, maximum time 6 months. Working Hours from Monday to Friday from 2:30 pm to 7 pm

All internships have different regulations for each university, different hours of practice during the week, for that reason, we will give the facilities and adapt to the requirement of the university to carry out the procedures and documentation in order to guarantee university practices.


Internship costs

Accommodation cost: Student house !!

Our student house is located in the city center, with hot shower, study and desk spaces, wifi, a printer, cleaning. Room for two students with private bathroom and breakfast included (Accommodations will be assigned in rooms for girls or boys only)

  • 11 dollars per night per student in double room.
  • $ 15 per night in a personal room.
  • 3 dollars lunch
  • 3 dollars dinner

sign up and participate now !!



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